- This event has passed.
Updated Council Meeting Zoom Link
Tue, February 14, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
I -Welcome & Opening moment of silence
2- Reading of Oath and Review of Agenda
3- Personnel – Kristina Small
4- PINE Audit & ARPA Update Andrew Dana
5- COVID Update – Candy Henderly
1) Consideration of January minutes
2) CAR – Tribal Court Codifying laws- Rebecca Winter/Judge Mehnert
3) CAR -Tribal Court -Assist other Maine Tribes – Rebecca Winter/Judge Mehnert
4) Residency Application
a. Wayne Osborne
Penobscot Nation UPDATED Zoom link
When: Feb 14, 2023 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Council Meeting
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Webinar ID: 856 0304 4684
International numbers available: https://penobscotnation-org.zoom.us/u/kcDxW0Otu