Dental Services
The dental clinic is open 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. Services provided by a dentist, dental assistant, and dental hygienist are by appointment only. Dental services are available during all normal clinic hours. A specialty clinic for orthodontia (braces) is available 1 day per month. Orthodontic treatment services are available for qualifying children ages 14 years and under . Treatment is based on need.
New dental patients are scheduled with the dental hygienist for examination, X-rays and prophylaxis (teeth cleaning) before being scheduled with the dentist. All patients should arrive 10-15 minutes early to complete the registration at the front desk.
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If a parent is unable to accompany their child during treatment, a release form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian before treatment can begin. Additional parental/guardian signatures are required for orthodontic services.