DNR Staff Bios

Dan Kusnierz
Dan has been with the Water Program since 1993.
His responsibilities include:
managing and administering funding and reporting,
- coordinating all field and laboratory work
- taking samples and measurements in the field
- helping to write quality assurance project plans
- reviewing discharge permits, hydroelectric licenses, laws, and other activities that affect tribal water resources
- writing and administering the Penobscot Nation Water Quality Standards program
- representing the program on many committees at the local, state and federal level
- helping with outreach and education and
- working on studies conducted by state and federal agencies.
Dan has a BS in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont and attended graduate school in Wildlife Biology at University of Maine.
Rhonda Daigle
Rhonda has been with the Water program since 1994. Rhonda was the first person from the Penobscot Nation to participate in the Water Resources training sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Her responsibilities include:
- conducting many of our laboratory analyses
- maintaining the PIN Water Quality laboratory and lab equipment
- sorting aquatic insects from our biomonitoring samples; supervising interns who assist with sorting insects
- preparing lab-related SOPs and sections of quality assurance project plans
- data management: entry, backup and review of laboratory data
- helping with education and outreach
Rhonda has continued to expand her skills through technical training from EPA and state laboratories, and university coursework. She has participated in several state, federal, and non-tribal projects that the water program has supported over the years.

Jason Mitchell
Jason has worked for the Water program since 1994. After one summer of seasonal work Jason participated in the Water Resources Training sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and became a full-time employee.
His responsibilities include:
- Non-Point Source Program Coordinator
- coordinates all NPS remediation efforts
- working on updating the tribes Non-Point Source Assessment and Management Plans
- writing Non-Point Source remediation grants
- coordinates Water Resources field sampling
- taking of water samples and measurements in the field
- maintains field equipment
- helping to write sections of quality assurance project plans
- helping with education and outreach
- working on studies conducted by state and federal agencies
- helping with Atlantic Salmon recovery in the Penobscot watershed.
Since he has started here he has become certified in Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response and will continue working toward earning Federal Inspector Credentials.
Jan Paul
Jan has been with the Program since attending the Water Resources Training sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1997.
Her responsibilities include:
- taking samples and measurements in the field,
- deploying and collecting data from our continuous-monitoring multi-parameter probes
- helping to write sections of quality assurance project plans
- helping with outreach and education workshops
- helping with data management and exchange
- helping with web page design
- working on studies conducted by state and federal agencies.
Jan continues to take classes at the University of Maine toward her BS in Natural Resources Management. Since she started her job here she has become certified in Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response and will continue working toward earning Federal Inspector Credentials.

Angie Reed
Angie began working in the Program in 2004.
Her responsibilities include:
- writing quality assurance project plans
- developing outreach and education workshops and materials
- helping to write management plans
- data management, analysis and exchange
- taking samples and measurements in the field
- deploying and collecting data from our continuous-monitoring multi-parameter probes
- web page design
- newsletter design and layout
- working on studies conducted by state and federal agencies
- representing the program on committees at the state and federal level
Angie has a BS in Water Resources Management from the University of New Hampshire and an MS in Fish and Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University.