Community News
2022 Candidates Forum
You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Sep 1, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: 2022 Candidates Forum Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 406649 Or One tap mobile : US: +16469313860,,85155548227# or +19292056099,,85155548227# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial . . .
Tribal Offices will be closed on the following dates:
Monday, September 5th, 2022 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. Have a nice holiday, and stay safe!
The Penobscot Nation is seeking citizen comments on a grant received in the amount of $940,057 to provide funding for: 1) the Rehabilitation of 13 units of aging housing that are impacted by poor air quality, and the increasing threat to air quality, due to mold and aging building systems . . .
Fall Vaccination Schedules
We will be offering NovaVax vaccine clinics on 8/30, 9/15, and 9/20. Second doses of Novavax will need to be administered 3 weeks after the first dose. We have a very limited supply of these vaccines, and we are not likely to receive another distribution, so we must be very . . .
Candidates Forum
There will be a forum for candidates in the general election on Thursday September 1 at 6pm via zoom. It will be moderated by Ambassador Dana. If you are a candidate for office or a tribal member with a question for the candidates please email [email protected].
PENOBSCOT NATION DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SUB-CONTRACTOR ATTORNEY I. GENERAL INFORMATION. Jurisdiction is established pursuant to Penobscot Nation tribal law and further defined by the Act and the MIA. A problem-solving, restorative approach that is consistent with Penobscot Nation values and culture is applied by the . . .
PENOBSCOT NATION DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES SUB-CONTRACTOR ATTORNEY I. GENERAL INFORMATION. Jurisdiction is established pursuant to Penobscot Nation tribal law and further defined by the Act and the MIA. A problem-solving, restorative approach that is consistent with Penobscot Nation values and culture is applied by the . . .
Attention hunters:
The Penobscot Indian Nation Department of Natural Resources has partnered with the University of Maine, Orono and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife on a research study to evaluate the prevalence, distribution, and effects of parasite infections in moose. This study will provide essential information to assess the health . . .
Now Hiring!!
Substitute Teacher Positions Available Indian Island School If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to become a substitute teacher, please join us at the Indian Island School on Thursday, August 11th , noon to 4pm or Friday August 19th , 9am to 2 pm. Applications will . . .
Community Notice: COVID Exposure
The Penobscot Nation Health Dept. is recommending that anyone who attended the Saturday, Aug. 6th Health Fair be tested for COVID. We have confirmed a positive COVID case among the event’s presenters. We strongly suggest testing from Wednesday, Aug. 10 through Friday, Aug. 12th, as earlier test results may be . . .